A Happy Client's Custom Furniture Pieces.
June 25 2019
Having created pieces with us a few years ago, this client returned when she needed to update the look and refurnish a couple of rooms in their home. Together we’ve designed and built some stunning custom furniture pieces, a few we’ve shown here for you but a couple we’ve let her keep all to herself. The bed ...
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From Tree To Your Custom Furniture Piece - The Journey
June 18 2019
Here at Wildwood Designs we’re proud of our work from imagining to creating to delivering your custom furniture piece. Whether it be a buffet, dining table, bed, entertainment unit or mirror, we take pride in what we do and how we do it. To see some of our custom pieces, please click here. So, we thought it might be interesting...
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Custom Furniture - Beds
May 29 2018
Sleeping is one of THE most enjoyable human past-times! Most of us don't get enough. Various reasons and levels of 'lack of sleep' afflict us all, and sometimes it's as simple as "WHAT are you sleeping in?!". Do you love where you lay your head at night? Or that afternoon napping on Sunday? You need too. And at Wildwood Designs we have...
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